What is Satta Matka? Origin of matka gambling or satta


Gambling is a centuries-old pastime enjoyed by people across the world. One of the most popular forms of gambling in India is Satta Matka. It is a type of lottery game that originated in the 1950s in Mumbai. Over the years, it has evolved into a popular form of gambling in India, especially in Maharashtra.

Origin of Matka Gambling

The origin of Matka Gambling can be traced back to the pre-independence era. It is believed to have originated in the 1940s and 1950s when people used to place bets on the opening and closing prices of cotton traded on the Bombay Cotton Exchange. However, when the New York Cotton Exchange stopped this practice in 1961, the punters needed a new source of betting. This led to the evolution of Matka Gambling.

What is Satta Matka?

Satta Matka is a form of gambling that is based on numbers. It is a game of chance where people place bets on the opening and closing rates of cotton that were transmitted from the New York Cotton Exchange to the Bombay Cotton Exchange via teleprinters. These rates were written on a piece of paper and put into a matka (a clay pot). The pot was then shaken, and a number was drawn at random.

How to Play Satta Matka?

To play Satta Matka, you need to select a set of numbers between 0 and 9. You can place your bet on the opening and closing rates of the matka. If your number is drawn, you win. The payout for the game depends on the amount you bet and the odds of winning.

Popularity of Satta Matka

Satta Matka became popular in the 1960s and 1970s in Mumbai. It was a time when the textile industry was booming, and people had a lot of disposable income. The game became popular among the mill workers and soon spread to the other parts of the city. The game gained more popularity in the 1980s when it started to be played in other parts of Maharashtra.

Dark Side of Satta Matka

Satta Matka, like any other form of gambling, has a dark side. It has been associated with organized crime and money laundering. The illegal nature of the game has led to police crackdowns, and several people have been arrested for running Matka dens. However, despite the crackdowns, the game continues to be played in different parts of India.

Future of Satta Matka

Satta Matka has evolved over the years, and today, it is played online. Several websites offer the game, and people can place their bets from the comfort of their homes. The online version of the game has made it more accessible and has increased its popularity. However, the legality of the game is still questionable, and it is important to play responsibly.


Satta Matka is a popular form of gambling in India that has a long history. It has evolved from a game based on the cotton rates to an online game that can be played from anywhere. However, it is important to remember that gambling can be addictive, and it is essential to play responsibly.


Is Satta Matka legal in India?

Satta Matka is illegal in India, but it continues to be played in different parts of the country.

How is Satta Matka played?

Satta Matka is a game of chance where people place bets on the opening and closing rates of the matka. The pot is shaken, and a number is drawn at random. If your number is drawn, you win Sure, my apologies for any confusion. Here is the rest of the article:

What is the origin of Satta Matka?

Satta Matka originated in the 1950s in Mumbai as a way for punters to continue betting on the opening and closing prices of cotton after the New York Cotton Exchange stopped the practice in 1961.

Why is Satta Matka so popular in India?

Satta Matka became popular in India, especially in Maharashtra, in the 1960s and 1970s when the textile industry was booming and people had more disposable income.

Is Satta Matka associated with organized crime?

Yes, Satta Matka has been associated with organized crime and money laundering due to its illegal nature.

Can Satta Matka be played online?

Yes, Satta Matka can be played online through several websites, which has increased its popularity.

Is it important to play Satta Matka responsibly?

Yes, it is important to play Satta Matka responsibly and avoid getting addicted to gambling.

How can one ensure responsible gambling when playing Satta Matka?

One can ensure responsible gambling by setting a budget, knowing when to stop, avoiding chasing losses, and avoiding betting with borrowed money.

What is the future of Satta Matka in India?

The future of Satta Matka in India remains uncertain due to its illegal nature, but the online version of the game has made it more accessible and popular.

Can one get arrested for playing Satta Matka in India?

Yes, playing Satta Matka is illegal in India, and one can get arrested for participating in the game or running Matka dens.

In conclusion, Satta Matka is a popular form of gambling in India that has a long and controversial history. While it has evolved from a game based on cotton rates to an online game, it remains illegal and associated with organized crime. It is important to play responsibly and avoid getting addicted to gambling.

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